Running and pilot projects include:
- Holding talent identification shows, serving as platform and opportunity for nurturing artists while promoting them.
- Organizing orphans and school dropouts into music and dance groups. Managing a band made up of people of all ages who need to alleviate poverty as a result of their disadvantaged state and or vulnerabilities.
- Holding follow up workshops for young artists while established ones have immense interest to help.
- Running craft work program involving bead making…
- Running a curio shop where products are displayed and market them
- Running a program in Zimbabwes rural Chimanimani and Harares Budiriro community involving a group of widows and disadvantaged women working on crafts and crochets
- Running a scholarship program for orphans and training artists.
- Running various self help projects for disadvantaged women ie widows
- Holding music festivals involving upcoming, local and foreign artists
- Networking and creating linkages for the organization to grow.
- Lobbying and advocating for the protection and realization of rights of the artists in view of fighting against piracy and empower the artists with knowledge of patenting.